Farm Holidays in Longiarù - Red Rooster
Ciasa Medalghes

How to find us in Longiarù

To arrive at our apartments in Longiarù by car from any direction we recommend driving along the state road 49 of Pusteria till San Lorenzo di Sebato / St. Lorenzen (next to Bruneck), where you should turn to the state road of the Badia Valley (SS 244). This itinerary is accessible even in case of bad weather and avoids all mountain passes, such as, for example, Passo delle Erbe / Würzjoch (closed in winter!), Gardena Pass, Campolongo Pass and Falzarego Pass (that can also appear closed in case of difficult weather conditions or cycling events).

You can also reach us by public transport, taking a train till Bruneck, from where you can get by bus almost till our farm gates.

We wish you a nice trip!
From north
From south
Form east

From North

Follow Brennero highway A22 till Brixen/Franzensfeste, exit towards VAL PUSTERIA/PUSTERTAL, Bruneck. Continue along the state road SS49 eastwards (towards Bruneck). After approx. 23 km, upon arrival at St. Lorenzen, turn right towards Val Badia and proceed on the SS244 for approx. 14 km. At Longega keep to the right. The next locality you’ll see along the road will be Piccolino, where you should turn right towards S. Martino. Continue along the main road of San Martino and after 400 m turn left towards Longiarù, that you will reach after 6 km. In front of the church keep to the right, along the road you will see a Mini Market and the Sanvi Hotel. 100 m further you’ll see Ciasa Medalghes, on the right side of the road. For check-in please apply to House Pigin (another 150 m further).

From South

Follow Brennero highway A22 till Brixen/Franzensfeste, exit towards VAL PUSTERIA/PUSTERTAL, Bruneck. Continue along the state road SS49 eastwards (towards Bruneck). After approx. 23 km, upon arrival at St. Lorenzen, turn right towards Val Badia and proceed on the SS244 for approx. 14 km. At Longega keep to the right. The next locality you’ll see along the road will be Piccolino, where you should turn right towards S. Martino. Continue along the main road of San Martino and after 400 m turn left towards Longiarù, that you will reach after 6 km. In front of the church keep to the right, along the road you will see a Mini Market and the Sanvi Hotel. 100 m further you’ll see Ciasa Medalghes, on the right side of the road. For check-in please apply to House Pigin (another 150 m further).

From East

Take the state road SS49 westwards (towards Bruneck). At St. Lorenzen, turn left towards Val Badia and proceed on the SS244 for approx. 14 km. At Longega keep to the right. The next locality you’ll see along the road will be Piccolino, where you should turn right towards S. Martino. Continue along the main road of San Martino and after 400 m turn left towards Longiarù, that you will reach after 6 km. In front of the church keep to the right, along the road you will see a Mini Market and the Sanvi Hotel. 100 m further you’ll see Ciasa Medalghes, on the right side of the road. For check-in (keys’ handover) please apply to House Pigin (another 150 m further).
Ciasa Medalghes - Dolomiti
Fam. Costa
Lungiarü I-39030
T/F +39 0474 590 140
M +39 3472581541
VAT No. 03014410215
Cod. Fisc. FLTHDG69L50B220X